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Its been a week, that's fo sure!!! Managed to squeeze in a visit to my hair dresser for a trim, which was much needed. Pixie cut = regular trims or it looks...bad! Sunday last week the Bink and I hosted my bestest pal, Neverness, his parents, Hanzmo, and two visitors from England. They were divine!!! Nah, really, the personalities all click. It was good times. Sitting around our table all, just hit my in my happy place. It was a nice dinner and easy hike to the South Holston Dam. I say easy hike, maybe for the Bink and I, but not so much for others... Most take that in consideration in the future!!!
Speaking of Happy Places... Yesterday was the husbunny Bink and I's wedding anniversary. We toyed with the idea of going to Oktoberfest in Kingport, but it was all nasty rainy weather here on the hill, so we decided to stay home. We opted instead to do something we haven't done in awhile, Video game co-op... Borderlands 2 to be precise. We got it all set up in two rooms and played for several hours. Yelling between rooms because the feedback from the Kinect has this really bad echo. It got a little annoying after awhile. The stupid compatibility pack on that game is super annoying. I had like 4 copies of the stupid thing on the hard drive. Had to delete them all and reinstall, which took its own sweet time downloading. So, now my Siren is back in action after an extended hiatus.

Happy Place 2...
I've mentioned it before; I have a stamp fetish... Love them... soooo much... I'm gonna say 'cause its due to my unicorn stamp that my dad bought me when I was little girl. So, dad, its all your fault. haha nah really, love you. I do try to purchase all my supplies either with sale, coupon, or clearance. Most of my extra stuff I get clearance out, 'cause I have the weird thing that if I'm going to use for art journalling I don't want to pay full price. 'Cause after all the layers I add to my pages you may or not see it. I had my arm twisted a while back by Angie, one of my scrapbooking girls, to join a couple of mailing lists. One is called
Peachy Cheap. Every day they have scrapbook supplies discounted super cheap. Sometimes they have what I'm looking for and sometimes they don't. There's another site called
scrapbook daily deals. Most of the time they have nothing I want and I window shop and move on. This past month... Ho boy. They caught me big time. They had an offer for 7 different packs of October Afternoon journaling cards for less than $9 bucks! Two packs alone full price are more than that! I couldn't say no; especially because of Project Life! A couple of days later they offered October Afternoon's Daily Flash Apple Cider clear cling stamp sets: Game On! and Rake, Pile, Jump. Good Golly, two sets for less than the price of one... yup they got me again. And just last week they offered October Afternoon's Apple cider pack with a 6*8 paper pack, stickers, 2 packs die cut shapes, and squirrell washi tape. It matches the stamps I got, needless to say. I now have a bunch of stuff to pretty up my Project Life! pages.

Happy Place 3...
I've taken a week off from Project Life! after the crazy progress I made end of August and to wait on my photos to come in from Persnickety Prints. They turned out fabulous and they package them so securely, I love that about them.
Trying out the 2x2 and 4x4 size photo. I like the 3x3 got those the last order I placed. I'm seriously considering trying the polaroid print option they have for Project Life! Really thinking about it.

Happy Place 4...
We made one trip out yesterday for an Anniversary Breakfast and made a couple stops and there at Tuesday Morning, the hit or miss store they had a bunch of Tim Holtz items (yeah, still obsessed), a We R Memory Keepers Binder (for 2014), and a host of other pieces priced between .99 and 7.99. I made out like a bandit! I don't need to go on a supply buying trip for another month at least. Did pick up a script alpha stamp set and sleeves at the local target also.
Any way tata for now see you on the flip side...